Contact Us - Own the HOU
Have a question about the homebuying process, or need a little help along the way? Are you a homeowner looking for advice or resources? Complete this form to be connected to a local housing counseling agency.
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
ZIP Code:
Preferred Language:
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American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Other (including two or more races)
I'd prefer not to answer
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I am of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
I am not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Unknown/I'd prefer not to say
If you selected 'Other', please tell us your preferred language below:
Tell us what you're most interested in:
Housing counseling for individuals and/or families
Housing counseling focused on serving young adults
Building or re-establishing credit, including the Matched Funds for Credit program
Individual Tax Payer Information Number (ITIN) guidance
Referrals to housing and homebuying-related services
If you selected 'Other', please choose the option below that best describes what you're looking for:
General information about the homebuying process
Financial & budgeting counseling
Homebuyers: Counseling before buying a home
Homeowners: Counseling after purchasing a home
Homeowner assistance, including homestead exemptions, property taxes, repairs, etc.
Foreclosure prevention or other resources to sustain homeownership
Referrals to programs and services not offered by housing counseling agencies
I'm a realtor, lender, or other industry professional
Do we have your permission to text you at the number provided?:
Yes, you have my permission to text me.
No, do not text me.
Case Origin
Contact Information