Connective Survey Data Request Form

Connective is a Greater Houston area disaster and preparedness nonprofit dedicated to serving our community through technology and human-centered design.  

Prior to submitting your request for data, please review the impact assessments available on the Connective website. If you are unable to locate the information you are looking for, please complete this form. The time to receive data depends on the complexity of the request and availability of our staff. Please give us as much advanced notice as possible if you are working with a deadline.

*Please note:  Survey respondents information will only be shared if they have agreed to share their information with other nonprofit organizations involved in disaster recovery efforts.
Requester's Information

Survey Request

Data Request

2024 May Floods Data Request

May 16th Derecho Data Request

Tropical Storm Imelda Data Request

2023 Tornado Data Request

COVID-19 Data Request

2021 Winter Storm Data Request

Data Detail
In order to protect the privacy of the respondents, the individual level data will be grouped by their geography.  

Data Detail
In order to protect the privacy of the respondents, individual level data will only be shared if it is needed to provide assistance.  


Time Request
Data requests will take between 5-7 business days to complete.  

Time Request
Data requests will take between 2-3 business days to complete.  
Note: Requests for Contact Information or Street Level will require a Data Sharing agreement to be completed between Connective and your organization.  This may add up to 2 weeks to the processing time. 

Additional Information
Once this request is submitted and reviewed, you will receive an email regarding your request.

If you have any questions or need assistance filling out this form, please contact us at
Survey Ending
Thanks for your interest!